Sunday, December 8, 2013

Unit Three Religion Test due Wednesday.
Unit Three Religion Test
Answer the following questions using complete sentences on a separate piece(s) of paper.

1.     Why do we call God our father?  What roles of a human father does he fulfill?
2.     Why is it to believe that God created the Earth?
3.     Why did God create you? (1 Timothy 2:3-4, Isaiah 43:7, Ephesians 2:10 and 4:24, Matthew 5:16, Genesis 1:28)
4.     What functions do Angels play in the Bible and in the world today?
5.     What tools does the Devil use against us?
6.     What does the Bible teach us about Heaven and Hell?
7.     What did Jesus mean when He said that we have to become like little children? (Matthew 18:1-4)
8.     Describe one gift or talent God has given you.  Discuss how you could use that gift or talent to serve God.
9.     What can we learn from the Bible account found in Mark 4:35-41 of Jesus quieting the storm?
10.  Describe ways God has blessed you.

11.  Why do we give offerings in Church?  How can offerings be given correctly and incorrectly?